A loving moment lasts a lifetime™

Karen Braveheart


Society teaches our kids their ABCs, math, and history,
but not how to achieve true, lasting happiness


Introducing: the Prodigi Kids Self Worth Parenting Paradgim

A new way to parent without shame and fear that teaches your child how to have a relationship with themselves rooted in unconditional love.

Founded by Karen Braveheart, Prodigi Kids is a connection company- creating products, software, books, experiences- anything that creates more moments of meaningful connection between parents and their kids. 

Love is something that’s taught.

I begged my mom to leave my abusive dad. She chose to stay.

She was a gifted dancer, but had me do ballet (I love hip hop) projecting her dream onto me.

I took her to every doctor visit for 10 years. My mom died before meeting her grandchildren. She chose to neglect her health.

My hope that she would someday hug me and tell me she loved me died too.

If only she loved herself.

These experiences forever impacted me, and I embarked on a spiritual journey to live my life to its fullest potential.

I listened to elite athletes and absorbed their mindset.

I learned that the happiest, most successful people did this one thing. I started doing it daily.

I meditated and found out that happiness comes from within.

If only she loved herself.

More About Me

Turning my pain
into purpose


by Karen Braveheart

Introducing the Prodigi Kids
Self Worth Parenting Paradigm

When I became pregnant with Sophia, I knew that the biggest gift I could give her was self love- a belief in her brain that she’s worthy of a happy life.

I made a choice when my munchkins were young. A choice to pursue my soul purpose. It was this single choice which set the trajectory for what Prodigi Kids is today.

Life brought me experiences that taught me how to change my subconscious mind beliefs. To train my brain to love and not reject myself.

I took the wisdom from years of dedicated spiritual practice, my life experiences, and researching the latest scientific breakthroughs on the subconscious mind and created the Prodigi Kids Self Worth Parenting Paradigm. It’s a new way to raise our child’s subconscious brain with love instead of fear. It’s simple, it’s easy, and it’s powerful.

I’m sharing it with you now. You can teach your child from birth how to love themselves and live a happy, fulfilled life.

Give them the gift of a Prodigi Kids product and read my eBook, the only book of its kind in existence, to learn my most valuable tips and insights.

Join me on my journey as I bring more awesome content and products into your hearts and homes.

Love is something that’s taught.

Get Your Free eBook



Self Worth is the Answer to the Global Mental Health Crisis

Prodigi Kids is radically changing the way we raise our children by empowering parents to develop positive self worth in their baby's brain to last a lifetime!

When a parent connects with the love inside their heart, love flows to their little one. A baby’s brain then creates a core belief of feeling worthy of love. A child raised with positive self worth grows up to believe in themselves, their dreams, and their right to a happy life.  

Prodigi Kids content and products are an innovative blend of intuition and science that powerfully unite to develop positive self worth in your child's brain for lasting happiness and well-being.




On the Blog

Self Worth is the Answer to the Global Mental Health Crisis

Prodigi Kids is radically changing the way we raise our children by empowering parents to develop positive self worth in their baby's brain to last a lifetime!

Our Mission




Society teaches our kids their ABCs,
math, and history, but not how to achieve
true, lasting happiness

Society teaches our kids their ABCs, math, and history, but not how to achieve true, lasting happiness

Karen Braveheart



The Prodigi Kids
self worth

parenting paradigm

A new way to parent without shame and fear that teaches your child how to have a relationship with themselves rooted in unconditional love.

Founded by Karen Braveheart

Prodigi Kids is a connection company - creating products, software, books, experiences - anything that creates more moments of meaningful connection between parents and their kids.


my pain

into purpose.


is something
that's taught.

I begged my mom to leave my abusive dad
She chose to stay

She was a gifted dancer,
but had me do ballet (I love hip hop)
projecting her dream onto me

I took her to every doctor visit for 10 years
My mom died before meeting her grandchildren
She chose to neglect her health

My hope
that she would someday hug me
and tell me she loved me
died too

if only she



These experiences forever impacted me,
and I embarked on a spiritual journey to
live my life to its fullest potential

I listened to elite athletes
and absorbed their mindset
I learned that the happiest,
most successful people did this one thing
I started doing it daily

I meditated and found out that
happiness comes from within

If only she loved herself.


is something
that's taught.

I begged my mom to leave my abusive dad
She chose to stay

She was a gifted dancer,
but had me do ballet (I love hip hop)
projecting her dream onto me

I took her to every doctor visit for 10 years
My mom died before meeting her grandchildren
She chose to neglect her health

My hope
that she would someday hug me
and tell me she loved me
died too

into purpose.


my pain

if only she



These experiences forever impacted me,
and I embarked on a spiritual journey to
live my life to its fullest potential

I listened to elite athletes
and absorbed their mindset
I learned that the happiest,
most successful people did this one thing
I started doing it daily

I meditated and found out that
happiness comes from within

If only she loved herself.

Prodigi Kids

self worth parenting paradigm

When I became pregnant with Sophia, I knew that the biggest gift I could give her was self love- a belief in her brain that she’s worthy of a happy life.

I made a choice when my munchkins were young. A choice to pursue my soul purpose. It was this single choice which set the trajectory for what Prodigi Kids is today.

Life brought me experiences that taught me how to change my subconscious mind beliefs. To train my brain to love and not reject myself.

I took the wisdom from years of dedicated spiritual practice, my life experiences, and research of the latest scientific breakthroughs on the subconscious mind and created the Prodigi Kids Self Worth Parenting Paradigm. It’s a new way to raise our child’s subconscious brain with love instead of fear. It’s simple, it’s easy, and it’s powerful.

I’m sharing it with you now. You can teach your child from birth how to love themselves and live a happy, fulfilled life.

Give them the gift of a Prodigi Kids product and read my eBook, the only book of its kind in existence, to learn my most valuable tips and insights.

Join me on my journey as I bring more awesome content and products into your hearts and homes

love is something
that’s taught.




Prodigi Kids is radically changing the way we raise our children by empowering parents to develop self worth in their baby's brain to last a lifetime!

Self Worth is the Answer to the Global Mental Health Crisis

so, how
do we do it?


01. Content

When a parent connects with the love inside their heart, love flows to their little one. A baby’s brain then creates a core belief of feeling worthy of love.

A child raised with self worth grows up to believe in themselves, their dreams, and that they deserve a happy life.

Prodigi Kids content and products are an innovative blend of intuition and science that powerfully unite to develop self worth in your child's brain for lasting happiness and well-being.    




The Prodigi Kids Self Worth Parenting Paradigm eBook, backed by the latest neuroscience, is the ultimate guide for parents who want to raise happy, fulfilled children by developing self worth in their brains.


we teach you how to unconditionally love yourself and your kids too.


YouTube: prodigikids  /  Website: prodigikids.com
Instagram: @prodigikids  /  Facebook Page: Prodigi Kids  /  Tiktok: @prodigikids

YouTube: prodigikids
Website: prodigikids.com
Instagram: @prodigikids
Facebook Page: Prodigi Kids
Tiktok: @prodigikids

02.  Products

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