A loving moment lasts a lifetime™


Prodigi Kids Inc. owns the copyright in and to all content on our website, our blogs, our ebooks, and our social media, with all rights reserved, as well as our right of publicity. 

As specified under fair use law, we may use photos without the need for permission or payment from the copyright holder such as those found in the public domain, creative commons, and copyright-free photos. All other content on this site is the exclusive property of Prodigi Kids, Inc.


Do not copy it, use it, scrape it, claim it as your own, or distribute it unless you are properly attributing it to us with a link and adhering to fair use laws. No one is authorized to copy any portion of any Prodigi Kids or Karen Braveheart content or Prodigi Kids or Karen Braveheart name, image, or likeness for any commercial purpose or use, including without limitation in any books, ebooks, book summaries or synopses, or on a commercial website or social media site (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, TikTok, etc...) that offer or promotes your or another's products or services. For the sake of clarity, media outlets are permitted to use photos of Prodigi Kids and Karen Braveheart from our website media room or license photos. 


Specifically, we allow legitimate websites and social accounts to publish a short excerpt of our content with property and clear attribution, including a link back to the original permalink page for more information. You are welcome to share our content (up to 500 words but not more) in media articles (e.g. the New York Times, LA times, etc...), on your personal website, in a non-commercial articles or blog post (e.g. Medium) and/or a personal social media account for non-commercial purposes, provided that you attribute it to "Prodigi Kids and Karen Braveheart" and link back to the blog/ebook/other content URL.  

If you need further guidance on how to do this, email us at connectwithus@prodigikids.com.

Our intellectual property including, but not inclusive of, our patents, trademarks, copyrights, and ideas are aggressively protected by Prodigi Kids, Inc. and its attorneys to the fullest extent of the law.