Parent Coaching
With Me
I specialize in turning the most stressful interactions with your kids into loving moments.
Every, Single, Time.
It's all about connection.
WORK WITH KARENWork with Karen. CEO of ProdigiKIds and a mom of three!
Here's My Story:
I grew up in a home where there were very few loving moments of connection with my parents.
I have only 3 memories of feeling loved as a child and that was with my dad. My mom never hugged me or said the words “I love you”.
The first was when I was 8 years old and scared during a thunderstorm.
He protectively took my hand and led me outside onto the terrace of our apartment in Jackson Heights, NY. We sat on chairs and made a game counting the seconds in between the sounds of loud thunder. In that moment, I felt safe and secure in my trust in trust him as he helped me overcome my fear.
The second was when I had a nightmare and woke up in the middle of the night feeling really scared.
My dad got up, and asked if I wanted my favorite cheese sandwich. I always said yes and he held my hand warmly, and walked me into the kitchen. He put his arm around me and asked what was wrong. In that moment I felt like he genuinely cared about what was bothering me and wanted to help make it better.
The third was all the times we'd put our baseball gloves on and play catch outside.
I loved playing sports and my dad did too. He'd play with me for hours in the rain, when it snowed, and in the hot, humid summers. We didn't have to talk- it just felt peaceful between us.
My childhood experience greatly impacted me. When I became a parent to my three munchkins, I wanted to be the kind of mom that was affectionate, loving, and emotionally available to my kids.
I realized that it doesn't matter what your parents buy you or how much time they spend with you. The only thing that matters is the quality of time- the true moments of connection like I described above, where my dad was emotionally available and loving to me. These moments made me feel loved inside.
What remains are these memories of feeling loved years after their passing.
When I became a mom, I asked myself
What’s the biggest gift I can give my kids?
I knew with every cell in my body- Self Worth.
To raise them to look within and love themselves so they grow up believing in themselves to achieve their dreams and live a life of happiness and well-being.
Raising kids with self worth comes naturally to me. I knew from my own painful childhood how to instinctively love my children- to give them what I didn't have so they could feel loved and cherished inside. That's what matters to a child most. Loving moments are the building blocks of self worth in our children.
That’s why I pioneered the Prodigi Kids Self worth parenting paradigm, backed by two decades of study. It’s a new way to raise kids with self worth, the key to lasting happiness in adulthood. Learn more here.
With three munchkins
4 years apart
I’ve pretty much experienced every crazy, chaotic moment I ever thought possible.
During the most challenging times, when I yearned for support the most - you know those times when you just want to give up- I had to figure it out. I’m my kid's rock and they depend on me. I had no other choice but to figure out a way to make my life less stressful and teach my kids with love about their choices.
That’s when I developed a very special formula at the heart of the Prodigi kids self with parenting paradigm.
And the stressful situation magically disappeared!
Every. Single. Time.
I’ve honed these skills for the past 18 years and now I freely share them with you when you sign up to work with me. Learn some of my secrets in my blog.
Having researched self worth for over twenty years, I bring a wealth of experience and wisdom to our sessions. My focus is not just on helping you be the best version of a parent you can be but on nurturing your overall well-being.
Through personalized guidance, I’ll help you awaken to your true potential and create a life of balance and harmony.
Imagine raising your child with self worth from birth. Together, I’ll help you nurture the growth of their wings so you watch them fly and achieve their own dreams with confidence.
Single Session Parenting
- 1 x 60 minute coaching session (virtual)
- 1 x Deep dive into the transformation you’re looking for
- 1 x Help with single behavioral or personal issue
- 1 x Follow up support email to see how you’re doing
- 1 x member discount option to upgrade to a package
3 Month Coaching
- Welcome kit for you to fill out upon enrollment
- 1 x 90 minute initial deep dive session (virtual) to strategize and review your current situation and struggles
- A coaching plan tailored to focus on the areas you need the most support
- 9 x 45 minute coaching sessions (virtual) to empower you to be clear on who you are and the parent you want to be
- A weekly check-in email from me
- Personalized resources to set you up for success, such as handouts, checklists and recommended reading
6 Month Coaching
- Initial 90 minute intensive (virtual) to really hone in on your needs
- 3 45-minute 1:1 calls with me per month (virtual), mixed with coaching, training, mentoring and consulting for support and accountability
- Exclusive member content including tools, guides, and referrals to save you time and money and get the result you most desire in your life
- Regular check-ins to help you feel supported and keep you on track
- Personal access to me with unlimited email support
- 1 emergency 15 minute call a month
I offer all services virtually, making them accessible to clients worldwide.
Prodigi Kids is located in San Diego, CA for local clients who wish to receive in-person services* where I can meet your family.
🌟 Once you’ve booked your session, keep an eye on your inbox. You’ll receive a warm welcome email with scheduling details and everything you need to make the most of your coaching experience.
Karen Braveheart is a fearless and dedicated mother who is successfully raising three beautiful kids. I have seen firsthand how her mantra of creating loving moments with her kids since birth has resulted in three self assured, independent, and happy children who are being set up for success in life. She has a lot of wisdom and real life experience to share with others in helping them to create loving moments that last a lifetime!
Nancy B.
Educator Advocate and mom of 2
We all know raising kids doesn't come with an instruction manual and every child is different but with the right tools in your belt it makes the joys and challenges so much easier to navigate and the outcome so much better. We all want to do what's best for our kids so they grow into confident compassionate human beings.
Karen's approach to parenting and helping others has inspired me on my own parenting journey with my now 4 teenage boys. Filling the trying moments with love and finding all the little moments to connect has made my husband and I better parents.
Thank you Karen for being an inspiration
Jenny G.
Mom of 4
In my opinion what Prodigikids is doing is remarkable in the way that it is attempting to create an atmosphere of love and understanding that all children need in order to develop in a healthy way. Once this is achieved and the child is able to feel the precious moments of love and acceptance in the home, he or she will be able to tackle the academics that is facing them at school as well as life.
It's my belief that we've needed something like this for a very long time in order to change family life and society for the better from the inside out. Prodigikids is attempting to give parents the necessary tools that will guide them in ways that will benefit their child and lay a firm foundation for a confident, secure adulthood.
A. Kosakoff